"Sit Down Felicia" - we need to learn how to tell the unhelpful parts of our minds to take a seat and shut the eff up. How do we do that? Let me ask you...
Do you meditate? If you do what kind of meditation do you do? Did you know there are meditation styles related to particular goals and mental health challenges?
If you think meditation is sitting quietly in a room cross legged with a blissed out aura around you ... you've been misinformed and this is why I want to get some information out there about meditation, because it's so incredible and can help with so much, yet mainstream education and healthcare still isn't seeing why it needs to be implemented and prescribed. IT'S SCIENCE.
Disclaimer, I'm still learning about all of this myself, but I'm here to share with you what information I have.
Our brain cells communicate through chemical and electrical signals. The chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) get sent from one brain cell to another. When a neuron decides to send a signal it sends an electrical pulse through the axon of the neuron ending , the electrical impulse triggers a set of events that results in the release of the neurotransmitters, when then exit through the neuron and are received by the dendrites of another neuron.
5 types of Brain Waves (these are important to understand what the brain is doing when utilizing these different waves)
1. Delta Waves 0-4 Hz - Slowest, resting and regeneration, deep sleep, brain shutting down for repair
2. Theta Waves 4-8 Hz - Still Slow, daydreaming, or "twilight state" before falling asleep, subconscious or hypnotic state, more creative and suggestible,dominant frequency for young children
3. Alpha Waves 8-12 Hz - neutral, idling speed, relaxation and internal focus, the ideal meditative state, calmness
4. Beta Waves 12-30 Hz - Fast, (many subcategories) , active processing and thinking, worrying, planning, ruminating,
5. Gamma Waves 35-45Hz - Very fast, sharp focus, high level informational processing, 'AH HA' moments, Effortless insight,
4 Styles of Neuromeditation:
Focus - ADHD, Cognitive Decline in Elderly, Mild Brain Injury, Memory Problems
Mindfulness - Anxiety, Chronic Stress
Quiet Mind - Chronic Pain, Personality Disorders, OCD, Additions, Eating Disorders
Open Heart - Depression, Greif, Personality Disorders lacking empathy
Find more about Jeff Tattant PhD - the author of the information that was presented today.