Archaeological sites such as Sutton Hoo have given us an insight to the historical information of the Anglo-Saxon period. Sutton Hoo is the site of two 6th and 7th century cemeteries near Woodbridge, Suffolk. It first began to be excavated in 1939, and was found to contain many Anglo-Saxon wonders, including an undisturbed ship burial. This site, among others, has given us an interesting insight into the life of Anglo-Saxon people, their customs, and of course their jewellery.
Anglo Saxon jewellery had motifs and themes so strong and unique that jewellery is still crafted in the same styles today. As we already know, the custom of wearing jewellery originates far back in history. The ancient Egyptians and Romans, both adorned themselves in rich bejewelled ornamentation, and the Anglo Saxons were no different. Comprising of many Germanic tribes, the Anglo Saxons inhabited Britain from the 5th century. Their customs, designs, and jewellery took inspiration both from their Roman predecessors and from Germanic art.