Are you at the mercy of your limiting beliefs? Do you place people and things into boxes, therefore limiting their possibilities? To live in the 3D world is to be surrounded by limitations. Our fear-based minds, desiring a false sense of control tend to name, label, and categorize things and people, declaring what they are and are not, and therefore boxing them in. Your soul, however, is limitless. In the soul realm everything is possible and there are no opposites of good or bad, right or wrong, is and is not.
Applying labels to yourself and others–even positive ones like “empath,”-- is harmful. It suggests that you are only empathetic and nothing else. Labeling your Twin Flame a narcissist suggests that they have only narcissistic traits, while you have none. In fact, we all have a combination of every trait living within us at any given time.
Whenever you find yourself labeling something or someone–including yourself–take a moment to pause. Remember, everything is possible and right in the realm of the soul.
• “A limitation is anything that imposes some type of restriction, disbelief, impossibility, boxing, categorizing, or label. So basically, most things in the physical world are limiting–that includes words and definitions.” (3:16 | Elle)
• “How can we be in alignment with our soul which knows no limits, which is limitless – if we are living with limitation, if we are believing in limitation?” (4:25 | Elle)
• “We look at empirical data, scientific evidence, things of that nature to see, to validate if something is possible, or if something is right or wrong. But in the realm of the soul everything is right–everything is. It’s not right or wrong, it just is. In the realm of the soul where there are no limits, no physical data, anything and everything is possible.” (6:42 | Elle)
• “If you say you’re an empath, for example, that means you’re saying that you’re never not empathetic. And remember, to say you’re always one thing and never another thing is a limitation.” (9:24 | Elle)
• “There are no opposites in the realm of the soul. You just are, and you are everything. Everything, anything, all at once.” (9:57 | Elle)
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