Happy Monday!!! Conversations with Friends episode 34 is a conversation with my friend and sistren Teurai Chanakira. Teurai is sharing her voice with us today all the way from Melbourne Australia! This is our 1st international podcast and we are so excited to be moving across the oceans!!! Teurai and I met some years ago through her sister, Eden, a previous guest on the show and a local, personal friend. This was our first time speaking together and it was really awesome to get some one on one time with a verified distant family member.
Make sure you check out the Zoom video chat too
Teurai is a world traveller and has just returned home after a near year long trip around the Earth! A few years ago, Teurai decided to follow her heart and leave her law profession to pursue her passion; helping others live a healthier life. She works with her clients in person, on cruise ships (travelling to 72 countries doing it too!) and online. She is dedicated to supporting her sphere as they find the ways to stay active, eat well and create the lifestyle they most desire.
Teurai has recently released her 5th book titled HOW TO LIVE FROM ONE SUITCASE FOR ONE YEAR: ENDLESS FASHION OPTIONS FOR ANY CLIMATE WHILST YOU TRAVEL! (click here to purchase in the US and here to purchase in AU) and has also curated a blog where she shares all about her travels and how she keeps it all together no matter where in the world she finds herself.
Teurai can be contacted through her international website FitnesstoaTee.com.au. You can find her previously published books, services she provides and there is even a FREE GIFT for those of us wanting to trim our tummy!
Sistren!!! Thank you for being you, for showing up and answering your call and for taking Conversations with Friends WORLDWIDE!!! I really enjoyed hanging with you for this show and have enjoyed watching you blossom and grow and make it happen from way over here even more! I am cheering for you sister and cannot wait until we get to see you in the desert!
Follow Teurai on FB @ Teurai Chanakira Model and IG @teurai1. And stay tuned!!! She is whipping me back into shape too yall! I am now working with Teurai as an online fitness coach! I am excited to share more with you all soon! Time to get back in the gym. Mama needs some TLC.
Peace family! Enjoy the show!