A listener ponders: Given a choice between a series of probably gay activities and pegging, which is the most gay? And, how would we rank-order the experiences which all sound pretty gay, including two men facing each other and then masturbating simultaneously on to a black towel.
Along the same lines, a man really really wants to enjoy being pegged by his female partner, but he just seems unable to turn his prostate "walnut" into the pleasure organ he's been promised. Is he doing something wrong with his technique, or should he give up? And, in general, do men get more pleasure out of receiving anal than do women? I suspect they do.
A couple of men seem to have real problems with their partners' genitals. One got dry heaves when he tried to give oral sex to his partner, and the next isn't even willing to touch her vulva with his fingers. Are these just strategies to get out of pleasuring them, or is something more at play?
We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week:
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