There is an indescribable inexplicable invisible effect that happens when we "do" from a place of "being". We are human beings, in a physical world. We cannot leave this physical body or this physical earth if we want to create powerful potent change in this world. The true journey of expansion and growth is a journey of integration - integrating our soul with our body, heaven with the earth, source with the mind, feeling with acting, being with doing. It is about bringing all parts of us - the physical and the energetic - into joyful harmony and communion. It is not about doing more, changing what you're doing or knowing what to do, and yet when you tune into your innermost truth and beingness, there is usually a natural peaceful change in what we do, because we are deeply to connected to our energy - our intention, thoughts, feelings, beliefs and knowingness. It is not what you do but how you do it - this is what this episode explores.