Prior to my current public speaking and concert management roles, I had a career as a NASCAR pit crew member. Both experiences submerge one into the business and the time away from home exceeds the time at home. Traveling is a major part of getting the jobs done- and not just traveling but traveling right. Transporting multiple personnel and millions of dollars of equipment night-to-night and pivoting with unexpected changes are everyday tasks. Comfort, budget, the calendar, weather, and site promoters are just a few hurdles that must be handled at each stop. The lessons learned working in these industries can train someone to work with much of the general public.
Take away:
1. Organizing travel for a large group of people.
2. How to arrange travel for additional equipment
3. What to do when weather or an unforeseen circumstance forces last-minute travel changes
4. Balancing comfort & amenities within a budget.
5. Scaling million-dollar teams & musicians to the family vacation.
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