Wherever we go these days, we feel the impact of technology. It’s part of every workplace, in our digital devices, our “smart homes,” cars, virtual reality tools and games, and, of course, the inevitable AI. Sometimes this march of technology feels relentless and overwhelming. And yet, technology is so essential to navigating—and succeeding—in our society that it has become a significant issue for policymakers and advocates, who point to a “technology gap”— a lack of access and resources, especially for older people, who are not digital natives. In today’s episode, I’ll talk with Mario Rubano, a manager for the nonprofit organization, OATS, which stands for Older Adults Technology Services, who will describe their flagship program called Senior Planet. Senior Planet, a charitable affiliate of AARP, is an incredible resource that offers free courses and programs to help seniors learn new skills and improve their lives through a host of online events and in-person classes in New York City and at locations around the country. Mario will explain how people can access these programs in areas ranging from financial security, to health and wellness, and civic participation. You can find classes in morning stretch and meditation sessions; programs on online banking and telemedicine; discussion groups that foster conversation and lasting friendships; engaging podcasts, videos and articles; demos of new and emerging technology. Indeed, after listening to Mario today, you’ll learn why Senior Planet celebrates “aging with attitude”—living life to the fullest and enjoying every minute of it, struggles and successes alike.”