Hurra Hurra – ein Designpodcast der BURG

62 Hurra Hurra x Laura Drouet

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ein Designpodcast der BURG

If we want to survive on the planet that we've made nearly impossible to live on, we will need partnerships with others that are not humans. In this episode, Laura Drouet (@lauradrouet), co-founder of Studio Dot d-o-t-s (@weare_dots), talks about their work and the process of creating the manifesto of phyto-centered design, which involves understanding and collaborating with plant life. Their current exhibition "Plant Fever" and the upcoming summer school in Schloss Pillnitz explore the relationship between design and the natural world. The summer school covers topics such as the impact of avocados on Mexico, weaving with nettle, and making music for plants to grow. The studio aims to raise awareness against monocultures and a capitalist system while promoting a rural and holistic approach to design.

Together with Olivier Lacrouts (@olivierlacrouts), Laura Drouet is the co-founder of d-o-t-s, a nomadic curatorial practice. The duo’s investigations focus on the diverse and questionable relationships that – through design – human communities establish among themselves, with other animals, plants, and landscapes. Defined by the participatory and interdisciplinary approach, d-o-t-s’ work spans writing, exhibition-making, hands-on workshops and commissions to designers.

Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle

Hurra Hurra Festival

Studio d-o-t-s

Plant Fever Website

Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden

Design Campus: Summer School 2023

Schloss Pillnitz

Human-centered Design


Piñatex ®

Thomas A. Geisler

Fernando Laposse

Emma Bruschi



Dusan Kazic

Book: Quand les plantes n’en font qu’à leur tête


Passepartout Duo

ERBA: Suzanne Bernhardt

ERBA: Philipp Kolmann


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Hurra Hurra – ein Designpodcast der BURGBy Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle

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