When you experience a time of massive change in your life it is hard to have to move forward while also simultaneously learning how to be a new version of yourself.
I learned very quickly that certain boundaries had to be put in place in order for me to be able to figure out how to do that. It's very hard because, often times, boundaries are seen as a negative thing but when done right they can be extremely helpful and healthy.
First you need to understand that not every needs access to you, just like you don't need access to everyone else. It's a hard to understand but it is okay - that's life!
When you decide that some boundaries need to be put in place remember that it isn't wrong to stand firm and not compromise. There are some situations where compromise may be okay but, in most cases, that isn't true. It's not selfish to do - in fact, it will help in the long run.
Remember that we are all human and these are hard conversations to have - it's good to come from a positive place and remember that you can respect someone as a person, while also see a need for healthy boundaries to be set.
Often times when we feel overwhelmed and stressed it is because we are allowing people and thing access to our time when they shouldn't have that access. When we put boundaries in place we are freeing our lives from the stressors that arise in those scenarios.