This week, Camp Jupiter prepares for battle, and Apollo heads out on his quest (for love?). Meg and Apollo have a sweet bonding moment. Apollo drools over Reyna some more. He sneaks out with Don and Lavinia to see some dryads and Peaches, and naturally, has to perform a remix of his hours-long Jason song (10 minute version…sad dryad version). Apollo, Reyna, and Meg head towards Sutro Tower and Apollo tries to ask Reyna out. It doesn’t go well for him. However, it goes great for Reyna, who laughs harder than she has in years! Love that for her! We discuss the merits of the “friendzone” and hate men for a good few minutes. But not all men. Men who listen to us are Good. Also… does anyone understand angel numbers? What does 111 mean? ————————————————————— SUPPORT US ON PATREON: SEND US AN AUDIO MESSAGE: JOIN OUR DISCORD: