This week on the podcast I chat with teacher, Montessori and respectful parent, mum of four Gemma Daly.
2020 for Gemma was the best and worst year of her life. She gave birth to triplets and was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.
Gemma shares with me her path to pregnancy. Following two miscarriages and an irregular monthly cycle Gemma took it upon herself to have a fertility investigation. She had her son Oscar but trying to conceive now was more difficult. After the investigation she learned that she had low AMH level, low egg count and was recommended for IVF.
However, Gemma conceived naturally and it turned out she was pregnant with… triplets!
Pregnancy was scary for Gemma for so many reasons. She was offered a selective reduction, which she declined. At 27 weeks Gemma was admitted to hospital and at 30+5 weeks the triplets, Sebastian, Ashton and Hendrix were born.
Giving birth in the pandemic has been difficult but the extended hospital stay with no visitors, followed by the boys needing care in the NICU was a very tough time for Gemma. One of the unexpected challenges that Gemma faced was how hard it was to feel connected to the babies, the shock of seeing them in the NICU and the impossibility of holding them all at the one time.
There was an expectation on Gemma to be bouncing out of the bed and walking to the NICU but after a tough pregnancy and section she needed more support. Once Gemma was discharged she continued to express milk and bring it to the hospital daily. She felt that although they were in the NICU, the one thing she could do was feed them. 7 out of 8 feeds a day were from Gemma, the other feed was supplied by donor milk.
One by one Sebastian, Ashton and Hendrix came home and settled into a family of six. Gemma opens her heart in this episode to share the ups and down of her pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey. In fact we got on so well that I decided to split the podcast into two, so look out for a further episode next week where I chat to her about her love of Montessori and respectful parenting.
To follow Gemma please check out her Instagram and YouTube channel:
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Pamela x
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