最近读了 Erika Hall 的 Just Enough Research,这本书在我的阅读清单上已经有一段时间了。哇!读完这本书感觉很糟糕:为什么我在刚开始我的 UX 设计生涯时没有读它呢!?如果我遵循本书中的一些研究建议,我可以避开很多职业陷阱,并成为更好的设计师!
2️⃣ 在你把铅笔放在纸上之前,先测试竞争对手的产品。然后测试一些草图。然后尽可能多地在每个阶段进行测试。
3️⃣ 当空想遇到现实时,现实总是会赢。
4️⃣ 用户研究的第一条规则:永远不要问任何人他们想要什么。(你的想法范围可能会受到他人想象力的限制。)
5️⃣ 用户调查时的引语通常是用户研究中最强大、最有效的收获。
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Just Enough Research - A Must Read Book For All Designers!
Finally read Just Enough Research by Erika Hall,, which has been on my reading list for a while. Wow! I feel bad after reading this book: why didn’t I read it when I started my UX design career!? I would avoid so many pitfalls and have many better outcomes if I followed some research suggestions from this book!
If you need a just enough summary for this book, Erika summarised it in this awesome video https://lnkd.in/gRQcm__S). Five things that blew my design mind from this book:
1️⃣ Surveys are the most difficult research method of all.
2️⃣ Test a competitor’s product before you even put pencil to paper. Then test some sketches. And then test at every stage as much as you can.
3️⃣ When blue-sky thinking meets reality, reality always wins.
4️⃣ The first rule of user research: never ask anyone what they want.(You risk the scope of your ideas being limited by the imaginations of others. )
5️⃣ Quotes that represent the perspectives of research participants are often the most powerful, portable output of user research.
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