Did you know that singing can take your speaking confidence to the next level? Want to learn how? In today's episode, I interview Estelle Idoko and our conversation is jam packed full of practical advice, steps you can implement today, and a testimony that will encourage and uplift you! You'll definitely want to have your notebook and pen out so you can take notes.
Estelle Idoko is a North Carolina-based actor/singer, voice teacher, founder of the online voice studio, Creatively Performing Arts, and host of the internationally ranked Sing Confidently, Live Creatively Podcast. In her studio and podcast, she loves to help people build confidence in their voice and start singing, performing, and creating with confidence again! She is currently a graduate student studying Music and Music Education at Columbia University’s Hybrid program. She loves the Lord and aims to pass that love for God to others by helping them connect with their Creator and their creativity with confidence!
Ways to connect with Estelle:
Podcast: Sing Confidently, Live Creatively
Website: www.creativelybyestelle.com
Contact email: [email protected]
Instagram: www.instagram.com/creativelybyestelle
Youtube: www.youtube.com/@creativelybyestelle
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@creativelybyestelle
Free Singing Tips: https://mailchi.mp/6c4724593249/singingtips
How to Connect with Me:
1:1 Speaking Coaching:
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