My Polyglot Life Podcast en Francais Avancé

[Language Coaching] Preparing for a job interview in your second language

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Interviews and presentations are always stressful but it takes another dimension when you have to do it in your second or third language. You may have the skills "in theory" and get by just fine in daily life conversations but you struggle with self-confidence issues when the stakes are higher.

In this episode, I explain some brain facts and share strategies to help you get ready for your big day. Number one advice? Start today and adopt a holistic approach. Listen to the episode to know what this entails (4 key points).

The French version is available in the next episode.

Road Map/Feuille de Route program

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Women are less aggressive than men when applying for jobs, ABC News (erratum: I said men tend to apply if they meet at least 50% of the criteria and women 90%, it is actually 60% and 100%)

The bilingual brain, Albert Costa

Neurolanguage Coaching, Brain-friendly language learning, Rachel Marie Paling (2021)

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My Polyglot Life Podcast en Francais AvancéBy Cathy Intro

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