Meet DR ANURANJAN BIST, who, in his quest to help people find health and happiness pursued a traditional medical training, moved from India to set up a practice in the US. A surprising turn of events lead him back to the Himalayas where he was born, to discover that ‘we are the medicine’ and ‘yoga is mental health’.
- Mental Health
- Traditional Medicine
- Psychology
- Yoga
- Yoga Guru Lineages
- Kundalini Yoga
- Yoga Practices
- Your True Nature
- Consciousness
- The Himalayas, India
Osho (Rajneesh Chandra Mohjan Jain) taught, without ever writing anything. The books published under his name are transcriptions of his teachings. He is credited with more than 600 titles. Danish researcher Pierre Evald claims that there are 300 titles in English and 300 in Hindi.
The Highest Pass (2012) and The Road to Dharma (2020)
Both films are produced and directed by Adam Schomer and featuring Anand Mehrotra.
‘More and more you live from the heart. And when you live from the heart, then you experience God. And the more you experience God, the less thinking you have, and when you are completely silent, you are not there. You, as a person are not there. Only God is in complete silence.’ ~ Osho
‘Greatness is not about planning. Greatness is about finding.’ ~ Anand Mehrotra