It’s critical to understand the difference between tactical and strategic, and, in marketing, you can find both worlds.
There’s a tactical side and there’s a strategic side of marketing and, similarly, there are tactical, pure executional founders and marketers and there are strategic thinkers.
You want to be playing in the strategic field. The difference between a tactical, pure executional entrepreneur or marketer, and a strategic one lies in asking the right questions.
In marketing, some examples of purely tactical questions might be:
- How do I do keyword research?
- How do I run my Facebook ads?
Tactical founders and marketers are the implementers who need instructions on setting a Facebook ads account or writing email subject lines.
Conversely, there are also more difficult and strategic marketing questions that Google can’t answer for you. Questions like:
- How do I tailor these marketing tactics to work for my type of business?
- What are the most effective customer acquisition channels I should go after based on my business model?
Google and the best practices you find on the internet can’t answer these questions for you.
These are fundamental questions whose answers are specific to your industry, business model, audience, offering, competition.
You can’t find tactical and actionable content on the internet that gives you the answers to your specific situation.
You’ll find these answers by being a strategic thinker and learning how to use different frameworks, models, and principles to guide your thinking.
In this episode, we discuss:
- 5 of the most crucial questions you need to ask yourself to get results with your marketing
- How to find the right answers to each question and the most effective marketing approach for you
Show notes: