Jared Rosenbaum is a botanist, native plant grower, certified ecological restoration practitioner, and co-owner of Wild Ridge Plants LLC in New Jersey. He has extensive experience in stewardship of natural communities and is known for his lively workshops on plant ecology, restoration, and the cultural uses of wild plant foods and medicines. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Jared talks about discovering the wonders of nature after moving to rural New Jersey and committing himself to the study of native plants and the pursuit of ecological stewardship & restoration. Topics of discussion include preservation vs restoration, what makes a plant native, the impact of humans on their environments, restoration tips, and re-imagining our place in nature. [Originally published May 30, 2023. Ep 96]
Jared's website: https://wildplantculture.com
Jared's book 'Wild Plant Culture': https://wildplantculture.com/the-book
Wild Ridge Plants website: https://wildridgeplants.com
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Nature Revisited is produced by Stefan van Norden and Charles Geoghegan. We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions - contact us at https://noordenproductions.com/contact