Dear HBR:

Navigating Change (Live)

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Is your organization going through some big shifts? Dan and Alison answer your questions with the help of Katie Burke, the chief people officer of HubSpot. They talk through what to do when you’re ready to move up but there’s no one to take over your role, you’re expected to work on too many projects with too little support, or layoffs are happening but your boss isn’t giving you more responsibility.

From Alison and Dan’s reading list:

HubSpot Careers Blog: How to Embrace Change at a Fast-Paced Company by Emily Ricco — “If we all tried to communicate more, it would significantly impact everyone’s ability to cope with change. But instead of trying to control everyone else’s communication strategy, focus on starting with yours.”

HBR: The Network Secrets of Great Change Agents by Julie Battilana and Tiziana Casciaro— “First, formal authority may give you the illusion of power, but informal networks always matter, whether you are the boss or a middle manager. Second, think about what kind of network you have—or your appointed change agent has—and make sure it matches the type of change you’re after.”

HBR: 5 Behaviors of Leaders Who Embrace Change by Edith Onderick-Harvey — “To infuse change agility into your culture, mid- and front-line leaders — who are closest to the markets, customers, and daily operations — need to be encouraged and incented to see opportunities in what they do every day. They need to look beyond this month or this year to identify trends and take action.”

HBR: Research: To Get People to Embrace Change, Emphasize What Will Stay the Same by Merlijn Venus, Daan Stam, and Daan van Knippenberg— “ In overcoming resistance to change and building support for change, leaders need to communicate an appealing vision of change in combination with a vision of continuity. Unless they are able to ensure people that what defines the organization’s identity — ‘what makes us who we are’ — will be preserved despite the changes, leaders may have to brace themselves for a wave of resistance.”

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