I guess you could say I "failed" on the audio, but believe me, my sound engineer, Riley, cleaned it up- a lot! I was waiting for my mic to be delivered, but felt this opportunity to record and release so strongly that I had to work with what was available, so thank you RILEY for glittering this up for me.
Now- Down to the intention of this limited series.
WELCOME to Failing My Way to Success podcast series brought to you by PeP. Talks with Megan De La Concha.
The intention of this podcast is to bring to life a new energy surrouding the word "failing".
I don't know about you, but I OFTEN feel that I am "failing" in some aspect of my life, whether it be failing as a wife, failing as a mom, failing as an entrepreneur, failing as a friend and sometimes just failing as a human.
But what we "FAIL" to understand, is that the KEY to any success of any kind, ONLY comes through the art of Failing.
Failing is only an OPPORTUNITY to thrive. Failing presents to us a situation or circumstance that needs our attention and gives us the space and the grace to become curios and to explore questions like "what is missing?", "what do I need to remove, add, build up, break down in order to make this better, feel better, be able to do better?".
Failing hard and failing fast just means you have an increased chance of NAILING it the next time.
But there lies the caveat. You have a choice. You can either CHOOSE to lay all up in your failures OR you can choose to change your perspective, view the "fail" as just the next step needed to succeed. This can be applied to your personal ambitions, your professional dreams, your relationships, your goals, and most importantly, your own growth.
Failing is a great thing. It means your trying, you have skin in the game. Failing is only as sign that you are succeeding because you are OUT there TRYING. Learn from the opportunity, discover new things, new ways, new beliefs, new POWER and go at it again.
I hope you walk away from this series feeling GOOD. That's it.
I hope to encourage you through sharing my own journey of fails that are pushing me into more and more success in all areas of my life. I hope to support you by sharing tools, tips, and mindset hacks that help create awareness around your current perspectives, your belief systems and your habits.
Follow along, join in or just laugh at me while we go through this together.