Brian Lai is a breathwork coach from Australia who has spent the majority of his time supporting people over in Hong Kong.
He discovered breathwork during his journey to find answers to some health issues he had been living with for a long time.
His search eventually led me to Wim Hof, who is best known for his superhuman abilities and 26 world records. From 2016 to 2017, had the privilege to be trained directly by Wim Hof, becoming the first certified instructor of the Wim Hof Method in Australia and Asia, he have since continued to grow in the field of breathwork studying with other modern-day masters including Patrick McKeown (Oxygen Advantage/Butekyo), Stig Severinsen (world’s greatest free diver), Kasper Van Der Muelen (Biohacking Breathwork) and Dan Brulé (breathing coach to Tony Robbins and Navy SEALs).
In this episode we discuss:
02:30 The Call to Breathwork
05:28 Discovering Wim Hof
07:57 The Forgotten Ancient Tool In Asia
10:30 The Importance of Understanding Principles
14:00 Going with The Flow
17:00 Becoming the Observer of your Thoughts
25:36 The Obstacle is the Way
34:10 Power of Breathwork
38:17 Poor Breathing Habits
43:00 Breathwork Mastery Takeaways
47:00 The Ego is Selfish
51:00 What's Next for Brian
52:30 Starting a Breathwork Journey
If you would like to learn more about how breathing can help bring you more energy and focus, for high performance. Click here for my FREE video training
Follow both myself and Brian on Instagram