Christina welcomes Lori, a coach, speaker and author to discuss the unpaid labor of women, mothers and stepmoms. Lori is an advocate for amplifying the value of unpaid labor and influencing how families share the workloads in their homes. Through her children's book, "
Our Home: The Love, Work, and Heart of Family" Lori breaks down the invisible labor that occurs in our homes and encourages children to take notice, appreciation and action into contributing to their family flow. Christina shares the stepmom perspective of how hard it is to carry the family load, especially when you don't always know "your role". How can the tasks and duties in the home be shifted? How can the kids become more involved? To the stepmoms who carry the invisible load and need some validation and conversation starters... listen in!
Mentioned in the Episode:
Season 4: Episode 21: When stepmoms carry the mental and emotional load of the home with guest, Laura Danger
Lori Sugarman-Li believes deeply in the power of families and is a passionate voice in the cultural shift aiming to articulate the value and visibility of unpaid work. Her career as a Communications Strategist, combined with a decade devoted to full-time care of her family, community, and children's charities worldwide, served as the inspirational backdrop for her professional relaunch as a Coach, Speaker, and Author. She is dedicated to fostering meaningful conversations within families, encouraging them to contemplate how they care for one another and their shared space. Lori, her husband, and two sons are Canadian-born and live steps from Lake Michigan in Chicago.
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