It’s the week after Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season. Maureen is still in Philadelphia and she is…That’s the whole sentence. She is. Dan is concerned. But Maureen has a plan. She’s found a great organization to join and she’d like to tell everyone about it. Dan is unconvinced.
Dan wants to talk about the news, which is also not a good idea. But it’s time, perhaps, to wade into these dark and fetid waters. At least we can begin with something nice—Rudy is on trial and he’s having a terrible time. He’s been under the bus for a while now, and he may never come out. Dan walks us through the rogues gallery of weirdo and sycophants that will make up our new government, but time and time again we must return to the question: why didn’t Rudy make the cut? Have you *seen* these people? Come. We will meet them together. And we will watch the wheels on the bus go round and round over Rudy.
We’ve put out warm blankets, SaysWhovia, and there is hot chocolate to go around. Come cope with us. And maybe you’d like to try these new supplements. And this raw milk.