Christina chats with Elly, a bio-mom who remarried and now finds herself rocking the stepmom role. With Elly's background in communication, she shares her dos and don't of co-parenting her SIX kids. The two chat group texts, methods to help lessen the conflict and how to manage when you feel your partner walks on eggshells. How has Elly's role as a bio-mom influenced how she shows up as a stepmom? What's her dynamic like with her kids' stepmom? Listen in!
About My Guest
I am a Bio Mom + Bonus Mom to six kiddos ages 14, 13, 12, 12, 11 and 8, two dogs and four goldfish. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and believe it makes all the difference in your co-parenting relationships! Follow my journey as a Bonus Mom (with my best friend, Jamie) @bonus_moms on Instagram.
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