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David Swanson is pastor of New Community Covenant Church in Chicago and the author Rediscipling the White Church.
In this episode, David Swanson helps us think, first, about the challenges of leading our people toward racial healing and equity, and, second, about the kinds of leadership and practices that can help us form our people to be people of healing and equity.
- David Swanson is pastor of New Community Covenant Church in Chicago and the author Rediscipling the White Church.
- Churches made up of different races and ethnicities often read the Bible differently, and often in ways that don’t lead us toward one another.
- According to David Swanson, there are ways in which our churches have conformed to the patterns of our racialized society.
- David Swanson realized the church needed a different kind of discipleship, the kind that would bring people of different races together.
- David intentionally planted his church to be an integrated, multi-racial church.
- A disciple is someone who follows Jesus in order to become like Jesus to do what Jesus does.
- David Swanson describes the role of community in overcoming racial injustice.
- We are called to engage in spiritual practices communally (such as Holy Communion) in ways that bring healing and reconciliation.
- We can disciple our children by having challenging conversations about race and racism. Churches can provide resources for these conversations.
- Over time, children’s neutral observations about the color of a person’s skin begin to take on a moral weight.
- David Swanson encourages white pastors to pray for authentic cross-racial friendships.
- Books mentioned:
- Rediscipling the White Church, by David Swanson
- David Swanson
- Website –
- Church Leadership Institute
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