The A-Z of building a systematic futures portfolio
In this episode, seasoned trader Rob Carver shared his nuanced approach to building and managing a diversified futures portfolio—a methodology that appeals to advanced, technical traders, while we also covered off some of the 'basics' of futures trading, such as rolling, back-adjusting, and so on. I did my best to break down the key elements of his strategy, from market selection to dynamic optimization and continuous trading. A couple of interesting things came up, there's a lot of detail in here, and luckily you can go to his blog and books for all the technical detail.
For the long-term futures trader with a smaller account, this is essential listening. How much diversification across markets and models is enough? How can we capture the benefits of this diversification with a limited account size? Rob has innovative approaches to both market diversification and model diversification to generate a highly capital efficient approach.
For futures data, check out Norgate on our site: for more!