Ready for a front seat on the roller coaster ride of the writing world?
Today's guest has pretty much done it all. From working in the theater, to writing Pakistani soap operas in New York, to moving to L.A. to pitch T.V. scripts, then transitioning to prose during the pandemic, there's barely a writing project that Lawrence hasn't tried.
He's applied that same can-do attitude to marketing. His number one question—which we can all learn from—is "can I make this fun for myself?" Don't fear failure. It can all be fixed in post.
We also touch on a bunch of tips and tools we each use nearly every day, including Canva, iMovie, and Matthew Holmes's Facebook Ads course.**
Lawrence Allan is an award winning mystery writer of the Jimmy Cooper Mysteries. His debut novel BIG F@!KING DEAL was a Shamus Award Finalist. He holds an MFA in Playwrighting from the University of Texas at Austin and lives in Los Angeles.
Megan has just launched Clarify | Simplify | Implement, a brand new Substack and will be posting her thoughts on writing, publishing, author strategy, setting goals, and finding clarity as an author. You can subscribe for free here:
**We're affiliates!
We've mentioned Matthew Holmes multiple times on this show, and even had him as a guest earlier this year. If you want to learn out to create Facebook Ads that work, he's your guy. In fact, Greta says this course has changed her career!
Join Jumpstart Facebook Ads by Matthew Holmes.
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Lawrence Allan
Book: Big Fat F Up
Facebook & Instagram: @WriteLarryWrite
The Author Wheel:
Greta Boris:
Facebook: @GretaBorisAuthor
Instagram: @GretaBoris
Megan Haskell:
Facebook & Instagram: @MeganHaskellAuthor
TikTok: @AuthorMeganHaskell
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FREE Mini Email Course
Have you ever struggled to explain to others exactly what you write? Or wondered which of the many fiction ideas running through your brain you should tackle? If so, The Author Wheel’s new mini-course might be your solution.
7 Days to Clarity: Uncover Your Author Purpose will help you uncover your core writing motivations, avoid shiny-thing syndrome, and create clear marketing language.
Each daily email will lead you step by step in defining your author brand, crafting a mission statement, and distilling that statement into a pithy tagline. And, best of all, it’s free.
Click here to learn more!