Hope for the Animals

The Cage-Free Conundrum with Hope Bohanec

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In this presentation, Hope will explore the recent trajectory of the animal advocacy movement toward encouraging industries to transition to cage-free systems and other animal welfare campaigns. Cage-free eggs are now 40% of the US egg market and both the industry and animal advocates are promoting this as a major victory…but is this something to celebrate? Hope talks about social justice strategy, Effective Altruism, incremental change, and propose that our movement’s focus is out of balance. She cautions that we are relying too heavily on impractical strategies and fragile legislation that may not lead us to farmed animal freedom. 


(Book) The Good it Promises, the Harm It Does: Critical Essays on Effective Altruism

(Podcast) Episode 76– Measuring Our Movement with Krista Hiddema, podcast focused on Effective Altruism

(Podcast) Reason for Vegan Series #3- Cage-Free and Free-Range Explained with Hope Bohanec

(Article) Which Eggs Are Ethical to Eat? By Hope Bohanec

Bite Size Vegan, Emily Moran-Barwick

 (Video) How We Will Win Animal Freedom, Lalia Kassam, Animal Think Tank

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Hope for the Animals Podcast

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Hope for the AnimalsBy Hope Bohanec

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