Dr. Heidi Brocke is a Toxic Relationship Awareness & Healing Specialist. After spending 14 years in an extremely emotionally and narcissistically abusive relationship she broke the chains and turned her past into her passion; She left her 24 years career in healthcare to use her life experience and education to be the person she needed when she herself was trapped in the darkness of an unhealthy relationship to provide hope, healing, and freedom to those whose lives have been affected by toxic relationships, emotional abuse, and narcissistic behaviors.
Heidi shares her story with Jamie as well as strategies for women who are also affected by toxic relationships.
For more from Jamie
For more from Jamie Scrimgeour visit www.jamiescrimgeour.com
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For more from Heidi:
The Toxic Profile Analysis - https://coachingwithdrheidi.com/toxicity-analysis
The Break-Free Toxic Relationship Program - https://coachingwithdrheidi.com/break-free-from-toxic-relationships-healing-program
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