“Is it really possible to be in alignment with my deepest values and enjoy wealth and success in my business/career?”
“Can I truly have more ease, flow, joy, love and pleasure in my life while doing work that I’m passionate about?”
“Can I live my purpose sans the burnout?
And have the time and energy for a thriving personal life?”
As the world is changing sooo fast and old ways of doing things just aren’t working anymore, many women I talk to are getting real with questions like these.
Indeed, the old ways are crumbling, but what’s next?
What’s the vision for the future?
For the work and life you truly desire?
My guest today Jennifer Whitaker is no stranger to hard times, personal and ancestral money struggles and limiting beliefs on self worth.
After years of self-identifying as the “Queen of Stuck” Jen decided to dig deep, heal the unworthiness that was keeping her down and adopt a new identity…
The identity of a Divinely Worthy Woman.
At the core of her healing journey was connecting to her inner Sacred Feminine.
She was inspired to enroll in seminary school, where she studied the Divine Feminine for three years.
In her own words: “Connecting with the Divine Feminine felt like I was coming home to myself. I felt whole, alive, and more grounded in my worth than ever before.”
Since adopting her new Goddess identity Jen’s business is thriving.
With no burnout.
As CEO of her business, Wealthy Like a Woman, Jen now serves women who are ready to ditch the “Queen of Stuck” programing, claim their worth and rise into their highest level of abundance.
While staying rooted in their feminine power.
Jen’s core message?
You are divinely worthy.
Let's dive in!
Join Jen & me at the She Rises summit!
Claim your spot for She Rises virtual wealth summit
Tune into Jennifer’s podcast; Wealthy Like a Woman
Jennifer on Instagram
Dive deeper with Dianne:
Sacred Feminine embodiment; Sacred Feminine breathwork, sensual healing arts & astrology to embody the Goddess you were born to be!
Learn more & join the sisterhood here.