What month is it? What year is it? For anyone who has been waylaid by the chaos of COVID-19, allow me to help: it is now the middle of 2020, and this means it is a great time to check in with ourselves on how the year is going. How are we taking care of ourselves? Do we need to revisit our hopes and dreams for this year, and maybe make some revisions? Nobody's year has gone as planned, but that doesn't mean we ditch our dreams and just sit this one out. This episode will give you a six-step framework to guide you through reassessing your 2020 goals, revising them as needed, ditching old ones that no longer make sense, and adding in any new ones that feel right at this time. Check out www.thewellhelper.com/12 to access a template for the process as well as a completed example.
The Well Helper podcast is hosted by Katherine King, PsyD, a clinical psychologist and psychology professor. Each episode explores new strategies and insights to inform the life of a helping professional. If you’re a helper or student trying to flourish in your work, avoid burnout or compassion fatigue, practice mindfulness, communicate better, learn self care, dream bigger, or be a stronger leader, The Well Helper is here to help.
Join the Well Helper community, get show notes, free downloads, and more, at www.thewellhelper.com. Follow Kate @drkateking on FB/TW/IG.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only and should not be considered psychotherapy or any form of treatment.