Join host Paul Campbell for another captivating episode of the Turkey Season Podcast as he delves deeper into the extraordinary life of Ben Rodgers Lee. In this special installment, Paul is joined by esteemed guests Tom Stuckey, Rob Keck, and Terry Rohm, who share intimate anecdotes and cherished memories of their dear friend Ben. Through their stories, listeners gain insight into the larger-than-life character that Ben embodied.
But the highlight of this episode is the presence of a very special guest: Ben Rodgers Lee Jr. Tune in as Ben Jr. offers an intimate and heartfelt perspective on his father's life, providing listeners with a glimpse into the personal side of the legendary figure.
As the episode unfolds, Terry and Rob share a story that even Ben Jr. has never heard, adding layers to the complex persona of Ben Lee. While the journey through Ben's life has been filled with laughter and lighthearted moments, it concludes with a poignant narrative that reflects the inner struggles and storms that Ben faced.
Join us for an unforgettable episode as we celebrate the legacy of Ben Rodgers Lee, a man whose impact on the world of turkey hunting and beyond continues to resonate to this day.
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