hotties, the horrors of the world are really getting to us this week, so we are sitting down for a nice, fun, lighthearted girl chat! we talk about are favorite recent purchases, how we've been feeling lately, the best advice we've received, and more. pour yourself a glass of wine and get chatty with us!
anya's favorites: kira kirby,glitter gel pens
kylie's favorite: iphone 16 plus, protein coffee
need advice? submit what's getting you down for our upcoming advice column episode! email us at [email protected], dm us on instagram, or submit through our anonymous suggestion box (insta and suggestion box linked below). submissions will be kept anonymous regardless of how you submit!
make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode, and follow us on instagram @twodegreeshotter! if you're listening on apple podcasts, leave us a review - it really helps us out!
if you have any suggestions for topics you want to hear us cover, feel free to send them using our anonymous suggestion box: