We continue from our last lesson on the same verses, 2Peter chapter 1 verses 19-21.
These verses, as we learned, have to do with the inspired, inerrant, infallible revelation from God which are the Scriptures.
In Mt.16:16, before the transfiguration, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ revealed to Peter who Jesus is, 'the Christ the Son of the Living God'. Jesus told Peter he would build his church on this rock, God's Word, His Father's revelation of who Jesus is.
Dr. Mitchell, then, again reviews the truth concerning revelation. Dr. Mitchell points out that no prophecy of scripture stands alone but scripture interprets scripture.
It is factually true and consistent with itself.
Now Dr. Mitchell points our hearts to the day star, the morning star and the sun of righteousness concerning the times of our Lord's appearances on the Unchanging Word Bible Broadcast, 2nd Peter 1:19-21.