Generally in this podcast when we talk about animals, we've referred to domesticated animals - cattle, chickens, sheep etc. We talked at length about why we should consider reducing meat consumption for our planet. However, have you ever wondered about wildlife and why they need saving too?
Wildlife and wild animals can play a vital role in saving our planet too. They're not just pretty animals that we can look at on a safari!
In this episode, we go through and discuss some of the ways wildlife can help protect our planet. In fact, not only protect it, wildlife can make our planet better and more sustainable. Some reasons may surprise you. We also touch on how saving wildlife can have a direct positive impact on humans as well.
Remember - Wildlife don't need humans, but humans NEED them!
Note: This podcast is made for entertainment purposes only, and should not be used as any form of advice. Our email address is [email protected].
Please contact us if you have any questions, suggestions, feedback or would like a specific topic discussed on the show!