I’ve done a lot of meditation over the years. In fact, I used to be really passionate about meditation, and then the stress of trying to do it all interfered with my time for self-care. “I don’t have enough time to meditate,” I would say to my coach, and myself. The truth is that meditation is one of the most important tools I have to help me manage stress. I didn’t realize how stressed or anxious I’d become until I started meditating again.
With so much going on, meditation helped me have this place to go where I can disconnect from all the busyness and find a state where I can be present. It’s why I meditate every day.
So, why should we meditate? And what actually works?
Why do you meditate? Share how meditation has benefited your life on social media with the hashtag #whyimeditate.
Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD