It's called the "Silent Thief of Productivity"... we’re talking about Johne’s Disease. A disease that is highly contagious and fatal, because there is no cure for it. For most of us we assume it’s a disease that you see in the dairy industry, but now, we are starting to see it showing up in the beef herd. Dr. Susanne Hickley (Neogen) is back as my guest as we discuss what causes it Johne's Disease, the four stages, what kind of testing is available, what can we do to manage against it, and why it is considered to be the “Silent Thief of Productivity”. But a huge concern is that the first two stage of Johne’s is not visible, but they are contagious. So, once an animal reaches visible stages, how many more cattle in your herd are infected? If you’re in the cattle business, buying, selling, or leasing bulls or bred cattle… might want to listen in to today’s episode.