Sales mirror, sales mirror on the wall,
who’s the greatest salesperson of all?
Well, it’s the end of the year and the new year is almost upon us. How did you do?
In the next 30-60 days, that conversation will go on all over agribusiness as salespeople sit down with their managers to reflect on the last 12 months and plan the next 12.
That famous quote or question, “Mirror, mirror on the wall…” is from the film, Snow White. In that early scene, the wicked queen asks the know-it-all-mirror …..” who is the fairest of them all?” When the mirror replies that it’s “Snow White”, we all know that answer is too difficult for the queen to deal with. She sets out on a vindictive path of doing harm.
What about you? When you reflect on this past year, will you own your results? Will you accept the feedback or discussion you have in your annual review? Will you focus on how you can improve? Or will you point out other’s faults as an excuse to not change? Personally, having done all of the above, I found the power of questions during these conversations to be somewhat of a magic tool to help.
Listen in to discover 10 questions to open up the annual review and business planning conversation