For this podcast our host Chandler joins SBC’s Director Of Test Prep, Anthony, for a great conversation with our friend Tyler from Achievable—an AI-powered test prep platform for the GRE—to discuss the new shorter GRE and GMAT tests. In this episode Tyler, Anthony and Chandler walk through recent changes in the GRE and GMAT tests, including: The new GMAT focus, which is shorter than the previous test, including: Changes in the GMAT focus algorithm, New content focus areas for the GMAT focus, The ability to change up to 3 answers on the GMAT focus, The new shorter GRE test (what has changed and what hasn't), Differences between the two new tests, Pros and cons of the new tests, How to prepare for these new tests, Admissions offer perspectives on the GMAT vs the GRE, and How to choose the test that is the best for you. This podcast is a must for anyone wanting to learn more about these new shorter tests or anyone who is trying to decide which test is best for them. This conversation first aired on GRE Snacks and is re-aired here with permission.