The Healthy Rebellion Radio

Bariatric Carnivore, Early Puberty, Poo Frequency | THRR076

05.14.2021 - By Robb WolfPlay

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Bariatric Bypass RNY 2004 is Carnivore Safe to Follow with 18:6 Fasting, Early Puberty, Group B Strep in Pregnancy and Rebuilding Gut After IV Penecillin, Not Losing Fat, Poo Frequency Make your health an act of rebellion. Join The Healthy Rebellion Please Subscribe and Review: Apple Podcasts | RSS Submit your questions for the podcast here Show Notes: News topic du jour: Origin of Covid — Following the Clues 1. Bariatric Bypass RNY 2004 is Carnivore Safe to Follow with 18:6 Fasting [17:07] Judy says: Hello Mr Wolf, I am a 68 year old female, 167 lbs, on no medications who unfortunately had Bariatric surgery back in 2004. Since 2018 I started Keto to lose a regain of 52 lbs which I had been been trying to lose since 2011 by following Weight Watchers,  many times!! After researching Ketogenic in January 2018 I became a lot smarter in knowing that the SAD way of eating was so wrong. I have recently transitioned over to Carnivore but have concerns on ratios of Protein to Fat. I do know being a Bariatric patient Protein is priority over Fats.   I eat 2 meals a day, lunch (11:00am) & dinner (5 or 5:30pm). By 6 or 6:30pm my Fasting starts.  With my pouch only able to hold so much food I’m all over the board with my Protein & Fats.  Fill up so fast. My carbs are easily 5 or less everyday (spices).   No dairy other than butter at this time (testing elimination) I feel satiated but I think that is from eating to many fats.  Bulletproof coffee each day. Have last 2 days eliminated this.  Don’t snack never feel the need.  If you could please just give me imput if carnivore is for me along with fasting or should I go back to eating Keto w 20 Total carbs or less.  I did start to have many binges in past year eating Keto (sugar addict big time) .  Carnivore after getting body adjusted no massive binges at all. Hope you can give me some insight Mr Wolf to my confusion.  I do know there are many people that have these weight loss surgeries.  I just wished I had known about Keto, LCHF, Carnivore back in 2004 weighing at 313 lbs I would have said NO to this drastic, irreversible surgery. Thank you, Judy   2. Early Puberty [22:58] Greg says: Hi Robb and Nicki: I’ve been keeping up with your books and podcasts since 2013, right around the time my daughter was born. In a recent visit, my Mom pulled a classic mother-in-law move and horrified my wife with a genetic fun fact – that she had her first period at 9 years old. She implied that recent moodiness might not be attributed to the boatload of sweet tea and candy that they had just showered the child in, but rather hormones. The only time I’ve ever been of average height was middle school, when I hit puberty a little bit early (11 or 12). I’m 5’4” now. I also went bald very early, around 18. My daughter arrived 6 weeks early and also lost baby teeth before everyone in her daycare. My wife Janet hit puberty at 14, as did her Mom. As a family, we’re about 80/20 paleo – we’ve almost completely eliminated gluten, sugar, and other junk food from the kiddo’s diet, with occasional weekly exceptions – her two favorite foods, by a landslide, are steak and broccoli. And her after-school program is Taekwondo, so she stays active. She’s struggled a little with constipation and we give her a dash of miralax each morning, which seems to keep that in check. She takes a multivitamin and during covid, we’ve added vitamin D to the mix, since she’s been in-person for quite a while now. In terms of other items of interest, we have confirmed Celiac on Janet’s side of the family (her maternal grandmother). And my Mom had Pica as a kid (eating dirt/sand due to a mineral deficiency) and she has continued to have hormonal challenges throughout adulthood. Curious if this is 100% genetic roulette or if there is anything that we can do to slow the potential early onset of puberty via smart food choices. We’ll also be discussing with her pediatrician but would love your insight going into that conversation. Happy to provide additional details, I realize this might be a hodge-podge of arbitrarily selected clues. Thank you! Greg PS – LMNT is my go-to drink after the Saturday long run. Doing 8+ miles in Charleston humidity results in salt rapidly exiting my body via sweat, so LMNT keeps me from having headaches and needing long naps afterward. Evolutionary fitness as a function of pubertal age in 22 subsistence-based traditional societies   3. Group B Strep in Pregnancy and Rebuilding Gut After IV Penecillin [30:05] Rochelle says: Hi Robb! I'm pregnant with my second kiddo and tested positive for Group B Strep. My doula has recommended following hospital policy and doing the IV penicillin during labor. She knows many parents that have tried to fight it and the result was an even longer hospital stay and a more likely (unnecessary) NICU stay for baby. What can I do for me and baby before and after birth to prepare and repopulate our microbiome? Probiotics, fermented foods? We plan on breastfeeding. It's time for The Healthy Rebelion Radio Trivia!   [35:08] Healthy Rebellion Radio sponsor DrinkLMNT  is giving a box of LMNT Recharge electrolytes to 3 lucky winners, selected at random, who answer the following question correctly... Robb, one of our listeners asked what your favorite ice cream flavor is? Did you all hear that? To play, go to and enter your answer. We’ll randomly select three people with the correct answer to win a box of electrolytes from drink LMNT. The cutoff to answer this week's trivia and be eligible to win is Thursday May 20th at midnight. Winners will be notified via email and we’ll announce the winners on Instagram as well. This is open to residents of the US only.   4. Not Losing Fat [37:23] Jacqui says: Hi Robb and Nicki! I love your podcast and value the balanced approach that you take to health advice, which is why I’m reaching out to you today.  After a long 8 months of testing, I was diagnosed with pituitary inflammation and 3 large nodules on my thyroid. My thyroid levels always still test in the ‘normal’ range. Over the last few years I have tried every ‘diet’ out there to lose weight. 2 years ago, I finally had some success with the If It Fits Your Macros way of eating, but it still took a whole year to lose 20 lbs. Then all progress halted. I felt uncomfortable with this way of eating because of all the highly processed foods they pushed/allowed. I started my own research and discovered carnivore. I dabbled with this a bit last year and have been committed to this way of eating since January of this year. My inflammation is down since starting. I eat eggs, some dairy, all kinds of meat and the occasional low carb fruit or veggie. I have not lost any fat since starting to eat like this. I fully realize that my focus should be on healing my body, and it is, especially in light of my recent diagnosis. However, I still would like to shed fat (my weight # is not as much of a concern to me as I know I carry a lot of muscle).  It’s so confusing with so many differing opinions out there, so my questions are these: Should I eliminate dairy? Why would it be that I was able to shed fat while eating crappy carbs? Is this an indication that perhaps I need more carbs for my body type? Or is it simply going to take some time to heal my body so it will release the fat? For the record, I am mid 40s, lift heavy 5 days per week (and compete in power lifting when covid allows), am not on any medications. I try to keep to the following macros: Calories - 1550, net carbs - 5% (18 gr), protein - 40% (155 gr), fat - 55% (95 gr). I weigh 195 lbs but am roughly 40% fat. When I was doing IIFYM, calories were the same. Macros were 40/30/30.   5. Poo Frequency? [44:31] Karla says: How often is optimal to go #2 in a day? Is once enough, or should it be after every meal? Is there a cutoff between too often and not enough? Sponsor: The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by our electrolyte company, LMNT. Proper hydration is more than just drinking water. You need electrolytes too! Check out The Healthy Rebellion Radio sponsor LMNT for grab-and-go electrolyte packets to keep you at your peak! They give you all the electrolytes want, none of the stuff you don’t. Click here to get your LMNT electrolytes

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