We have a mashup episode today, exploring heart health during menopause and the benefits of hormone replacement therapy.
In this episode, Dr. Felice Gersh dives into the role of estrogen in immune function, inflammation, and heart health. Dr. Deb Matthew highlights the importance of assessing cardiovascular risks and hormone balance in perimenopausal and menopausal women to optimize heart health and minimize reliance on statins.
Join us as Dr. Matthew and Dr. Gersh share their insights on heart health, hormones, and menopause.
Ep. 356: Menopause, Heart Health, and HRT with Dr. Felice Gersh
[00:01:53] Dr. Gersh guides listeners in understanding and appreciating the impact of estrogen on immune function, inflammation, and the healing processes within the body.
[49:33] Estradiol is vital for heart health, and its decline after menopause can lead to issues like stiffening of the heart, heart failure, and arrhythmias in women.
Ep. 325 Menopausal Toolkit: Heart, Brain and Hormonal Health with Dr. Deb Matthew
[00:01:30] Most women fear breast cancer more than heart disease, even though cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women. Yet, clinicians fail to talk enough about the effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy in mitigating the risk of heart disease during perimenopause and menopause.
[00:04:04] While estrogen can benefit the cardiovascular health of women, the risks associated with oral estrogen and synthetic forms, including blood clots and artery plaque instability, have led to hesitancy in using hormone replacement therapy despite its potential long-term benefits when administered correctly.
[00:11:26] The balance of hormones like testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol plays a crucial role in cardiovascular health. Imbalances, such as flat cortisol patterns due to stress, potentially increase the risk of heart disease. Dr. Matthew uses tests like coronary artery scans and coronary intima-media thickness to assess cardiovascular risk in patients before considering hormone replacement therapy.
[00:20:22] Dr. Matthew emphasizes the importance of advanced lipid testing, addressing the nuances of cholesterol particle size and inflammation, balancing hormones, and optimizing thyroid and blood sugar levels to manage cardiovascular risk instead of immediately resorting to statins.
Bio: Dr. Deb Matthew
Dr. Deb Matthew MD, The Happy Hormones Doctor, is a best-selling author, international speaker, educator, wife, and mom of four boys. After suffering for years from fatigue and irritability due to hormone imbalances, her quest to resolve her personal health led her to change everything about her practice of medicine. She has been featured on national podcasts, radio, and broadcast shows, including NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX. Her books, This Is NOT Normal! and Why Can't I Keep Up Anymore? address hormone health in women and men.
Bio: Dr. Felice Gersh
Dr. Felice Gersh is a multi-award-winning physician with dual board certification in OB-GYN and Integrative Medicine. She is also a recognized expert on PCOS.
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