Story telling in sport is one of the most powerful tools used to access a range of poweful emotions within the audience. There wouldn't be an athlete in the world who hasn't had a poster on their wall, an image burned into their retina, a before photo, a inspirational photo or quote that rolls through their brain when the alarm goes off at 430am.
We are incredibly fortunate here at Bottle.It to not only be surrounded by some amazing athletes, but we also have formed amazing friendships with some absolute legends on the otherside of the lens. A thankless bunch of humans that share the same work hours as the athletes, but ensure they are in the right spot, at the right time, to capture the fuel mentioned above in the first paragraph.
Luke O'Shea's work captured my eye early, (full disclosure, massive fan boy, and also enjoy time behind a lens, so found a creative similarity, not talent). He's ability to capture a raw pulled back, or extreme close up to tell another angle of a story always interested me. Rather than chase logos or cliche images that often lead to greater financial reward, he's found a lane navigating both.
His linkedin page reads like a explore page of most triathletes, brands like Wyn Republic, Rapha and 2XU all feature prominently. Recent work with the Sydney FC Women's side showcasing the journey from debutants to now Back to Back premiership winners. Another example of quality imagery showcasing stories that provide purpose.
We discuss creativity behind the lens, the pursuit of the perfect image, working with Brands/Athletes whilst remaining true to one's own values/style. And genuinely just talk it out. I'm grateful he's work caught my eye, I said g'day, and now can call him a mate, my conversations always leave me recharged creatively and I hope this shared convo provides the same for you.
Luke's Work Portfolio -
Luke's Instagram -