“Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success.” Henry Ford. The Curtin Education Community (CEC) network in the South Metropolitan region of Perth is a conglomerate of twelve government primary schools, two secondary schools, and one senior campus. The CEC’s Strategic Plan 2023- 2025 includes two targets, one of them being to “support a focus on impactful teaching across all CEC schools” and the other to “increase opportunities to build leadership capacity of current and future leaders” So, what happens when you bring together 26 coaches from across this network of schools, provide them with training and offer them participation in a year long coaching programme.
Well, you get the establishment of The Instructional Coaching Collective and in this episode, I’m so pleased to be joined by Mileva Tubbs – leader of the ICC and program co-ordinator at Como Secondary School in Perth, Australia. Listen in as we dive in to the challenges as well as the significant benefits of developing a coaching collective.