Soy sauce. Seems simple, right? But did you know there were dozens, maybe hundreds of types of soy sauce.
Let's step away from the ordinary in many North American Chinese and Japanese restaurants to explore the condiment that is most highly prized all over the world and a centerpiece of many regional cuisines.
We're Bruce Weinstein & Mark Scarbrough, authors of three dozen (and counting!) cookbooks. We love to share our passion for food and cooking with you. Join us and let's talk about a condiment that can change the way you cook.
Here are the segments for this episode of COOKING WITH BRUCE & MARK:
[01:11] Our one-minute cooking tip: Keep the lid on the pot to boil water more quickly.
[02:57] Let's talk about soy sauce. We'll focus on three basic types: Chinese, Korean, and Japanese, as well as the various subsets under those categories.
[23:09] What’s making us happy in food this week: an Indonesian cookbook (SAMBAL & COCONUT) and sweet red chili sauce.