We chat with Jeff Felten, an email marketing expert directly responsible for +$200k generated for clients w/ email marketing just last year.
Here's what we are stealing:
Why reputation matters more than followers
His BEEACH framework for welcome emails
And how he pulled a $22,000+ product launch with just 3k email subscribers
If you're looking to improve your email strategy, you won't want to miss Jeff's proven tactics in this episode.
Tune in now!
Sources and sponsors
Thanks Mumbler for sponsoring the episode.
More about Jeff
Email still boasts a 36x ROI (compared to 2.8x of social media). If you're serious about turning email into a business revenue stream, start with Jeff's free 7-day course:
And follow him on Twitter
Show Notes
0:00:13 Introduction and background on Jeff
0:01:17 Mumbler Sponsorship
0:03:30 Building a niche audience for email marketing and product launches
0:04:06 Jeff's successful $22k product launch with a small following
0:05:23 The importance of niching down and owning a specific market segment
0:11:08 Creating valuable, tactical content for the niche audience
0:15:39 Crafting effective welcome emails with the "BEEACH Framework"
0:22:17 Details on the BEEACH Framework for welcome emails
0:30:19 Using lead magnets and welcome sequences for successful launches
0:35:08 Reviving cold email lists through value delivery and welcome sequences
0:44:23 Treating email subscribers like real humans
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Hosted on Mumbler.io