Have you ever wondered what your poop should look like, smell like, and how often you should go to the bathroom per day? If so, this is the podcast for you! Dr. Mary Pardee talk all things digestive health for your gut, brain, and overall wellbeing!
Dr. Mary Pardee is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor and a Certified Functional Medicine Doctor
who specializes in integrative gastroenterology and hormone balancing in Los Angeles,
California. She is the founder of modrn med, a telemedicine and virtual wellness company that
provides medical and health services to clients from the comfort of their homes. For those who
can not work one-on-one with a modrn med practitioner, Dr. Mary also created a gut-health
course that dives into the most common gut related complaints and natural solutions to start
healing. Dr. Mary is also a board member for R Academy Global, an organization whose
mission is to provide opportunity to homeless and previously incarcerated individuals with a
holistic 360 approach.
Dr. Mary Pardee
Gut Health Course: https://www.onecommune.com/a/28956/E6CBzNLt
Public Email: [email protected]
Business Number (for the public) * 7609320849
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Follow Joey on all social @joeythurmanfit