Natacha is a young Frenchwoman qui “a la patate” and a contagious passion for improvised play. She’s the founder, coach, and one of the improvisers / actresses of The French Loop, a theatre company based in Melbourne. (If you also live in the area and would love to practice your French and have a go, Natacha welcomes non native speakers too, hint hint!).
In this first episode, we’re discussing how Natacha pivoted to deal with the Covid-crisis, at a time when her classes could not operate normally and people needed entertainment. We’ll also talk about her background and the history of the art of improvisation (which I was surprised to hear was very popular in Australia)!
https://www.thefrenchloop.comThe French Loop on FacebookVocab List
B A BA, b.a-ba (nm) = the ABC, the basics
carcan (nm) = constraint, rigidity, confinement
c’est chaud! (fam.) = it’s tight / a close-run thing / a tall order ; heated (tense)
crève-cœur (nm, adj) = heartbreaking; heartbreaking situation
humour noir (nm) = black humour, dark humour
improvisateur, trice (n/adj) = improviser
joute verbale (nf) = verbal jousting, parring match
la petite souris = the tooth fairy
lâcher prise = to let go, to give in
levée (nf) = lifting, removal
niveau de langue (nm) = register, language level
personnage (nm) = character
piocher = to draw (a card); to pick up
rebondir = to bounce back
rigoler (fam) = to have a laugh
sur le tas = on the job, in the filed ; as you go along
tournée (de spectacle) (nf) = (show) tour
The post FV 124 INTERVIEW: (Part 1) Drama company The French Loop with Natacha appeared first on French Your Way.