Aurélie is an interpreter who is part of l’Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence (AIIC).
In this episode, Aurélie will share what she finds the most challenging and stressful about her work. What happens when you don’t know a word?
Aurélie will also give you her top 2 tips to improve in French, particularly your French listening skills!
If you love everything about languages, don’t miss this fascinating interview!
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Listen to different French accents (from French regional accents or other French-speaking countries):
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bagage culturel (nm) = cultural baggage / background
conférence (nf) = lecture, seminar
enjeu (nm) = the stakes
ONU / Organisation des Nations Unies = the UN
perdre le fil (de …) = to lose the thread, to lose track (of…)
périphrase (nf) = periphrasis, circumlocution
peser ses mots = to weigh your words
pointu,e (adj) = in depth, specialised (topic)
réfléchi,e (adj) = well thought of, considered
se corser = to complicate
se lancer dans le vide = to take the plunge
syndicat (nm) = trade union
The post FV 111 INTERVIEW: Working as an interpreter (Part 2) appeared first on French Your Way.