On my last trip to France, I was welcomed by the mayor of my hometown for an interview at the town hall – in the meeting room, which is also the official room where marriages are celebrated. Find out how a French mayor is elected, what his roles are, facts about getting married in France and much more!
Episode Timeline
A mayor and another occupation
What made E.Dhuicq run for mayor?
The ballot and office staff list
How and for how long a French mayor is elected
The prerequisites to run for mayor
Funding / Money
Projects and initiatives
What do French citizens go to the town hall for?
Getting married in France
Something unique in Montmirail
Vocab List
adjoint, e (n) = deputy, second-in-command, assistant
agriculteur, -trice = farmer
brie (nm) = brie cheese
colza (nm) = rape, canola
commune (nf) = town, municipality, village
conseil général (nm) = departmental council
conseiller général (nm) = regional concillor
cultiver = to cultivate, to grow, to farm
écharpe (nf) = scarf
état civil (nm) = register of births, marriages and deaths
gendarmerie (nf) = police force
hôtel de ville (nm) = town hall, city hall
impôt (nm) = tax, levy
impôt foncier (nm) = property tax
mairie (nf) = town hall, city hall
mandat (nm) = mandate
nommer = to appoint, to nominate
orge (n) = barley
parcelle (nf) = plot, parcel
passer devant le maire = to get married
préfecture (nf) = prefecture, administrative center
régalien,ne = sovereign (power)
remparts (nm.pl) = city walls, rempart, fortification
salubrité = hygiene, salubrity
scrutin (nm) = poll, ballot, vote
se fâcher avec = to get angry with
taxe d’habitation (nf) = council tax
(Part 1) Does E.Dhuicq make a living from being the mayor of Montmirail?(Part 1) Which crops does E.Dhuicq grow?(Part 2) Why was there a new election in Montmirail in 1992?(Part 3) Where do you register a birth in France?(Part 4) What are the 3 mandatory elements for a marriage to be valid in France?Answers:
Mayor is only a function and he is a farmer.He grows wheat, barley, canola, cereals, beetrootThe mayor had been killed in a car accident.At the town hall of the place of birth.It is in a dedicated room (it’s not possible to change room), in front of the bust of Marianne and the mayor (or one deputy) must be wearing the tricolour scarfLinks & Resources
FV 068: (Part 1) Discover the history of my hometown with greeter Marie-Christine Poisson: frenchyourway.com.au/podcast68FV 069: (Part 2) Discover the history of my hometown with greeter Marie-Christine: frenchyourway.com.au/podcast69My article: “French presidential election: 12 facts about the election process in France”: http://frenchyourway.com.au/french-presidential-election-processDid you like this podcast? You can support my work by leaving a review on iTunes. Your kind words warm my heart and also help me be found by more passionate learners of French. Merci beaucoup!
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The post FV 082 : Being a mayor in France appeared first on French Your Way.