Mary Jo Barrett is the Executive Director and co-founder of The Center for Contextual Change, Ltd.
She holds a Masters in Social Work from the University of Illinois Jane Addams School of Social Work and is currently on the faculties of University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration, The Chicago Center For Family Health, and the Family Institute of Northwestern University. Previously, Ms. Barrett was the Director of Midwest Family Resource and has been working in the field of family violence since 1974.
Ms. Barrett has authored the book, Treating Complex Trauma: (Psychosocial Stress Series), and has coauthored two books with Dr. Terry Trepper: Incest: A Multiple Systems Perspective, and The Systemic Treatment of Incest: A Therapeutic Handbook.
She co-created the Collaborative Change Model (CCM), a highly successful contextual model of therapy used to transform the lives of those impacted by abuse and/or traumatic events.
In This Episode- Center for Contextual Change
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